We are looking for companies, organisations and individuals to sponsor Pi Wars, our international robotics competition.
What is Pi Wars?
Pi Wars is an international, challenge-based robotics competition in which teams build Raspberry Pi-controlled robots and then compete in various non-destructive challenges to earn points. The competition takes place over a single weekend and at the end of each day, prizes, medals and trophies are awarded to those competing.
In previous years, we have had teams from schools, clubs, families, groups of hobbyists and solo roboteers. The competition is open to anyone from around the world and in the past has included teams from countries including all areas of the UK, the USA, China, Malaysia, Hong Kong, Turkey and Nigeria!

How can you sponsor the event?
We accept sponsorship in the following ways:
- Prizes – these will be awarded to teams at prizegiving ceremonies at the end of each day of the competition. Prizes can range from something small, like a USB pen drive, to something larger like a Pi itself, an add-on board for the Pi, a kit of some sort or other merchandise.
- Monetary donations – these help towards the overall cost of the event and to buying prizes. We are happy to discuss with sponsors what their contribution will go towards.
- Donations of time to help with Judging and Marshalling – if you can attend the competition days in person, and your staff are happy to volunteer as Judges or Marshals, this really helps us to run an efficient event. By all means get in contact with us to discuss ways to help us keep things moving smoothly.
- A mixture – we’re happy to accept sponsorship as a mixture of all of the above!
Is there a minimum amount for prizes and monetary donations?
We have received donations of prizes and money between £200 and £5000. It very much depends on your budget and what kind of things you can offer as sponsorship. There are no specific, pre-defined levels of sponsorship as everyone has something different to offer.
How are prizes allocated?
This is a fun activity for the organisers which involves spreading all the available prizes out on tables and shuffling things around until we’ve allocated everything! 🙂 If you have any thoughts as to how your prizes/contribution can be allocated, such as for a specific category or challenge, we are happy to discuss that.
What can Pi Wars offer us in return?
Your company logo and link will be featured on the Pi Wars homepage.
- You will be invited to be part of the event Marketplace in the William Gates Building during the competition weekend. This is a great opportunity to meet makers and Raspberry Pi enthusiasts, spread the word about your products and sell them as well!
- Your company logo will be featured on the roll-up Sponsors banners on display at the event.
- You are entitled to free advertising space in our professionally-printed programme which is given out to all competitors and spectators.
- We are exploring the possibility of displaying “show reels” and other advertisements on screens at the event.
- We will make sure that all participants are aware of your sponsorship and how they can potentially become customers.
- Social media coverage – we will send out a welcome Tweet when you first join us as a sponsor on the @PiWarsRobotics account. This will be retweeted by Mike (@recantha) who has over 7,000 followers, most of whom are in the Raspberry Pi and maker community. We will also send out Tweets periodically and, especially, during the event using the #PiWars hashtag.
How many teams will be competing?
Providing we have enough applicants (and we usually do!), there will be 76 teams across the weekend. 38 of these will be Young Teams from schools and clubs and 38 will be other sorts of teams including members of regional Makespaces, private companies, families and solo hobbyists.
How can we contact you?
You can contact us by using the contact form on this page or by emailing Michael Horne at mike@recantha.co.uk directly. If you wish to talk to us by telephone, please email first so that we can arrange a suitable time.