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Access for all

We are committed to ensuring that Pi Wars is accessible to all participants, whether that be supporters, spectators or volunteers.

We recognise that there are people who are interested in the Raspberry Pi, robotics, computing and programming who have particular physical needs and also other special needs. As well as physical disabilities, for example, these needs may arise from the visitor being on the autistic spectrum or having any number of mental health issues that we need to be mindful of.

Many of those who have such needs have been assessed professionally and we feel it is only right that we should, where possible, attend to their needs, as well as those visitors who have not received such a diagnosis.

  • Our venue is fully wheelchair accessible.
  • Our venue has a limited amount of disabled parking available, and you are requested to contact us prior to your attendance at the event to organise this.
  • We will designate a room or an area for those that require a quiet environment. Obviously, there may be multiple users of this space at any time, and ambient noise may still be an issue.

If you have needs not mentioned here we will do our best to support you, but please help us by contacting us in advance.

Please also see our Code of Conduct for more information on how we expect our visitors to behave during our events.