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What is Pi Wars?

Pi Wars is an international, challenge-based, non-destructive robotics competition in which teams build Raspberry Pi-controlled robots and then compete in various non-destructive challenges to earn points. The competition takes place over a single weekend and prizes and medals are awarded to those competing at the end of each day. In previous years, we’ve had teams from schools, families, groups of hobbyists and solo roboteers. We can take up to 76 teams over the event weekend which takes place in Cambridge, UK. The competition is open to anyone from around the world and we frequently get international competitors.

How did Pi Wars come about?

Originally conceived by Tim Richardson as a Pi-flavoured tribute to the BBC television series Robot Wars, we decided that non-destructive was a much better way of allowing robots to compete for the full day and not be upsetting for the teams involved!

Who competes in the competition?

Schools and kids clubs compete on the Saturday and Beginners, Intermediates and Advanced compete on the Sunday.

Who is responsible for the competition?

“Responsible” is putting it kindly! 😉

Tim Richardson deals with concepts and course designs, Michael Horne does most of the admin and logistics for the teams and the event as well as dealing with all press enquiries. David Booth deals with sponsors and other things. Together, they come up with the theme, courses and rules for the competition.

Can we attend?

We’d love to have you attend the in-person events when they re-start!

Can we talk to some competing teams?

Due to data protection issues, we do not list contact details for the teams. However, we can put you in touch with some past and current competitors. Alternatively, you can follow the #PiWars hashtag on Twitter or take a look at the blogs of some of the teams from this year’s competition.


Either of the two logos below (click for larger versions) can be used for Pi Wars.

Logo (2014)


Photographs from previous years are available as follows:


There are various videos on YouTube showing some of the action at previous years’ competitions. The trailer for 2019 is as below – we can provide a source MP4 of the trailer if it is helpful:

Contacting us

Michael Horne, Co-organiser
Twitter: @recantha

For telephone contact, please use email initially. Thank you.