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The future of Pi Wars – 2025

A letter from us to the Pi Wars Community

Dear Pi Wars community,
We are really pleased with how the 2024 competition went overall – robots were built, challenges were taken on, points were scored and prizes were well-earned! Thank you to everyone who helped in any way towards the success of Disaster Zone. With so many volunteers, teams and sponsors, it can be a little overwhelming at times to keep track of you all, but rest assured: we couldn’t do the event without you and your contribution is very much appreciated.

In terms of the future, we are still looking towards running another Pi Wars. However, 2025 is not that year. All three of the Potton/Dunton-based core organisation team are currently looking at changes of circumstances over the next few months and we feel that, with the uncertainty this brings, we cannot commit to the 2025 event as we had planned. The very last thing we would wish to do is to promise an event and then have to cancel it later, or do a bad job of it! We are still looking for ways to keep the community together, and we do recognise that not having an event in 2025 of any kind may be detrimental. It is, however, what we need to do at this stage, and we hope that you’ll be supportive of us “resting” the event for next year.

We are still active on Social Media (X/Twitter and Facebook) and we’ll be posting robotics-related content occasionally. We’re also over on our Discord server chatting all things robotics. We will also have some time to refresh the website (more than we already have done recently!) and enhance the content, so if you have any ideas for what we can do to boost the helpfulness of what’s there, please contact us! It’s more fun to have contributors and collaborators on these things. If there’s an area of robotics that you feel we don’t cover and that we should, perhaps you could write it, or encourage us to write it!

Keep on building robots and experiment with the new technology available – AI seems to be “a little bit of a thing” at the moment, so keep an eye out for ways to use it to enhance your robotics experience. There are bound to be more sensors, and other tech, out there as well over the next few months: how can it help you to build better projects? We shall see – keep in touch and let us know what you’re up to!

Until next time and with our very best wishes,

Mike, Tim and Dave