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Pi Wars 2024 – list of teams and blogs

Here is a list of teams, and their respective blogs (if submitted). They are split up into team categories.

Young Teams – Novices

A2M2 (England)
Click here to view this team’s blog.

CERC (England)
Click here to view this team’s blog.

Cmunchmaddness (England)
Click here to view this team’s blog.

Code Ninjas Cambridge (England)
Click here to view this team’s blog.

Corona Schools (Alpha) (Nigeria)

Corona Schools (Beta) (Nigeria)

Davenant (England)
Click here to view this team’s blog.

Destruction (England)
Click here to view this team’s blog.

Devastation (England)

Dr Challoners Grammar School (England)

Fsh-Tank (England)

HomoSapiens (England)

KCS Nerds (England)

KGGS (England)

King’s Crack (England)

LEAD (England)
Click here to view this team’s blog.

Magdalen College School (England)
Click here to view this team’s blog.

Mechanic Masters (England)

MissionMaster (England)
Click here to view this team’s blog.

Team Calderdale (England)

The Hatters (England)
Click here to view this team’s blog.

The Mad Hatters (England)

The Strawberry PIs (England)
Click here to view this team’s blog.

The Young Pi-oneers (England)
Click here to view this team’s blog.

Wemms Roboteers (England)
Click here to view this team’s blog.

Young Teams – Experienced

Felsted Robotics (England)
Click here to view this team’s blog.

HisarCS (Turkey)
Click here to view this team’s blog.

Reactor (England)
Click here to view this team’s blog.

TechnoFire (England)
Click here to view this team’s blog.

Terror-Byte (England)
Click here to view this team’s blog.

Turing Incomplete (England)
Click here to view this team’s blog.


Creative Technology Lab (England)

Dan-ED (England)
Click here to view this team’s blog.

Gnasher 5 – Rise of the Beast (England)

Radioactive Elements (England)

Sevillabot (Spain)
Click here to view this team’s blog.

The Cavemen (Mexico)
Click here to view this team’s blog.

Watt-Berry (Scotland)

Where’s Wally? (England)


CNM HackerSpace (United States of America)
Click here to view this team’s blog.

Footleg Robotics (England)
Click here to view this team’s blog.

OrangeBot (Italy)
Click here to view this team’s blog.

Orionrobots (England)
Click here to view this team’s blog.

RoboPi (Netherlands)
Click here to view this team’s blog.

SimTek (England)
Click here to view this team’s blog.


Brian² (England)
Click here to view this team’s blog.

Dutch Rescue Team (Netherlands)
Click here to view this team’s blog.

East Devon PIrates (England)
Click here to view this team’s blog.

Firebot (England)
Click here to view this team’s blog.

International Rescue (England)

Makers Jönköping (Sweden)
Click here to view this team’s blog.

Neave Engineering (England)
Click here to view this team’s blog.

PiDER-4 (England)
Click here to view this team’s blog.

PiDrogen (England)
Click here to view this team’s blog.

ShefBots (England)
Click here to view this team’s blog.

Team Cyberwar (England)
Click here to view this team’s blog.

Team Dangle (England)
Click here to view this team’s blog.

Vector (England)