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Technical and Artistic Merit

Normally, in a physical Pi Wars competition, we have a panel of Judges to whom you present your robot for Technical and Artistic Merit points. For Virtual Pi Wars 2020, we had the teams submit videos showing off their robots and explaining the features and design aspects. We have decided to continue along this theme for Pi Wars 2021.

For Technical and Artistic Merit points, you will need to submit a 3-5 minute video by 24th June featuring your robot. The following rules and guidance applies:

  1. One video per team can be submitted.
  2. The video should be between 3 and 5 minutes in length (this is to keep things manageable for the Judges).
  3. The video must be in English (our foreign language skills being a bit… lacking!)
  4. Your video can have mixed content – you can have slides, audio-only sections and full-on video.
  5. Your video should be in landscape format and as high resolution as you can make it. This helps the Judges be able to see things clearly.
  6. Robots can be shown moving or static.
  7. Your video must be submitted by Thursday, 24th June at 12 noon (UK time).
  8. The video must be available to our scoring Judges, but hidden from public view. You may, for instance, upload it to YouTube as an Unlisted video. All videos should be made available on the competition weekend (i.e. set to “Public”). Alternatively, they can be uploaded to a file sharing platform, such as Dropbox, and the Pi Wars team will upload them for you to the Pi Wars YouTube channel (this is the least preferred option due to the amount of time it takes to do so).
  9. You must notify Mike via by the deadline, or preferably much sooner!

The panel of Judges will submit their scores before the competition dates.


The maximum scores available for the Technical Merit and Artistic Merit challenges are 750 points each, giving a total of 1500 (which is equivalent to other challenges).