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Here are all the results from all the different challenges and prize categories from 2014’s Pi Wars competition. If a robot is not listed for a particular challenge, this implies that they either did not enter or did not complete the task.

Three Point Turn

  1. Psiclops – 14.96 seconds (a later, not-counted run achieved 12.72 seconds!)
  2. Tractorbot
  3. PiBot_13
  4. Steve
  5. The BaseBot
  6. roBar
  7. Flashy Rover
  8. Gnasher
  9. Pi-lot
  10. LegoHammer
  11. B.O.T.Y.
  12. Tracks
  13. K.E.I.T.H.

Straight-Line Speed Test

  1. Metabot – single fastest run of 2.983 seconds
  2. Pi-lot
  3. K.E.I.T.H.
  4. TractorBot
  5. Psiclops
  6. PiBot_13
  7. BiggerTrak
  8. Tracks
  9. The BaseBot
  10. roBar
  11. Team Vector
  12. Steve

Others (sorry, haven’t worked out rankings for these!)

  • Gnasher
  • Flashy Rover
  • Plymbot
  • Pyrobot
  • LegoHammer
  • B.O.T.Y.

Obstacle Course

  1. TractorBot
  2. Psiclops
  3. BiggerTrak
  4. Steve
  5. Hewbot
  6. Flashy Rover
  7. Metabot
  8. Tracks
  9. Team Vector
  10. B.O.T.Y.
  11. K.E.I.T.H.
  12. roBar
  13. The BaseBot
  14. William
  15. Plymbot
  16. PiBot_13
  17. = Gnasher
    = LegoHammer
  18. Harold
  19. Pi-lot
  20. PyroBot

Robot Golf

  1. Flashy Rover
  2. Team Vector
  3. roBar
  4. B.O.T.Y.
  5. Psiclops
  6. Steve
  7. Plymbot
  8. K.E.I.T.H.
  9. PiBot_13
  10. Tracks
  11. LegoHammer
  12. The BaseBot
  13. BiggerTrak
  14. TractorBot
  15. Metabot
  16. Pi-lot


  1. Pi-lot
  2. Gnasher
  3. LegoHammer
  4. Psiclops
  5. The BaseBot
  6. TractorBot
  7. BiggerTrak
  8. PyroBot
  9. Harold
  10. Team Vector
  11. CannyBots
  12. K.E.I.T.H.
  13. Flashy Rover
  14. Metabot
  15. Plymbot
  16. William
  17. = Tracks
    = Space Invaders
  18. = B.O.T.Y.
    = Hewbot
  19. PiBot_13
  20. roBaer
  21. Steve
  22. Ryanteck

Code Quality

  1. roBar
  2. Steve
  3. = B.O.T.Y.
    = BiggerTrak
  4. LegoHammer
  5. Pi-lot
  6. = Hewbot
    = Flashy Rover
  7. = K.E.I.T.H.
    = TractorBot
  8. The BaseBot
  9. Metabot
  10. = PyroBot
    = Gnasher
    = Team Vector
  11. = PiBot_13
    = Harold
    = Plymbot
  12. Tracks

Line Follower

  1. roBar
  2. Psiclops
  3. K.E.I.T.H.
  4. Tracks
  5. Pi-lot
  6. Steve
  7. PyroBot
  8. Harold

Proximity Alert

  1. Hewbot
  2. Psiclops
  3. LegoHammer
  4. The BaseBot
  5. roBar
  6. Gnasher
  7. Metabot
  8. TractorBot
  9. K.E.I.T.H.
  10. PiBot_13
  11. Steve
  12. Team Vector
  13. Flash Rovert
  14. = Tracks
    = Pyrobot
    = Harold


Not listing the byes…

Round 1 winners – PiBot_13, BiggerTrak, TractorBot, LegoHammer, MetaBot

Round 2 winners – BiggerTrak, TractorBot, Metabot, Flashy Rover, PiBot_13

Round 3 winners – Steve, PiBot_13, Metabot, BiggerTrak

Semi Final winners – MetaBot, Steve

Final winner – Metabot

Smallest Robot

Mini-Me (a model A on a pair of tiny tracks)

Best Non-Competitive

Professional (honourable mention) – Gert Van Loo for Toast-E

Amateur (winner) – Alex Ellis for RoboDriver

Most innovative

To be confirmed (need to find the bit of paper!)

Most feature-rich robot

To be confirmed (need to find the bit of paper!)

Jim Darby prize

Amy Willis – for being the youngest person to have soldered the most LEDs all by herself!

Point Accumulators

Best Autonomous Robot

  1. Psiclops
  2. roBar
  3. K.E.I.T.H.
  4. Metabot
  5. TractorBot
  6. The BaseBot
  7. Tracks
  8. Gnasher
  9. Hewbot
  10. Pibot_13
  11. Steve
  12. LegoHammer
  13. Pi-lot
  14. Flashy Rover
  15. Harold
  16. Team Vector
  17. PyroBot
  18. B.O.T.Y.
  19. = William
    = BiggerTrak
    = Plymbot

Best Remote-Controlled Robot

  1. BiggerTrak
  2. Psiclops
  3. TractorBot
  4. Flashy Rover
  5. Steve
  6. Team Vector
  7. roBar
  8. B.O.T.Y.
  9. PiBot_13
  10. Tracks
  11. LegoHammer
  12. Pi-lot
  13. K.E.I.T.H.
  14. Hewbot
  15. Metabot
  16. The BaseBot
  17. Plymbot
  18. Gnasher
  19. PyroBot
  20. William
  21. Harold

Best Robot Under £75

  1. TractorBot
  2. roBar
  3. Metabot
  4. LegoHammer
  5. Pi-lot
  6. Tracks
  7. Hewbot
  8. B.O.T.Y.
  9. Plymbot
  10. Harold
  11. William

Best Robot Over £75

  1. Psiclops
  2. Steve
  3. K.E.I.T.H.
  4. BiggerTrak
  5. Flashy Rover
  6. The BaseBot
  7. Pibot_13
  8. Gnasher
  9. Team Vector
  10. Pyrobot