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Pi Wars 2024 – Challenges

The disaster-themed challenges for the 2024 competition are as follows. They are more-or-less the same as those previously announced for Pi Wars 2020.


For autonomous challenges, the Raspberry Pi will control the robot by itself for the entire duration of the challenge without interference from the operator, except for a button press to initiate movement and another, if necessary, to stop movement.

Autonomous or Remote Control

These challenges can be driven autonomously or by remote control. The points available for these challenges are weighted so that those driving them autonomously have the potential to earn more points.

Remote Control

Remote-controlled challenges are where one (or more) members of the team are controlling the robot via wireless controller(s). The challenges can be tackled autonomously for no extra points (i.e. just for the fun of it!)

Opportunities for more points / prizes

There are additional opportunities to gain more points which increase your overall score. These are:

  • Blogging – in which your pre-event exploits are described in words, videos are shot and photographs are taken. Hints for the Blogging challenge can be found here. 1400 points per robot are available for this challenge.
  • Technical & Artistic Merit – in which you record a video up to 5 minutes in length and submit it to us ahead of the competition to document your robot features, build quality and other technical aspects, together with design and artistic features. These are then scored by expert judges ahead of the competition. 2800 points per robot (split between Technical Merit and Artistic Merit) are available.
  • Most Disastrous Robot – in keeping with our theme for this year, the Special Award for the competition goes to the robot that has the design most influenced by disasters. This can be natural, man-made or movie-style disasters, or even a combination of all of these types! It also includes “responses to disaster” such as rescue vehicles and the like. 700 points per robot are available for this challenge. You will need to submit a Technical and Artistic Merit video to qualify for this challenge as it is judged in a similar way.


The rules and points systems may be changed slightly or clarified following comments and questions from competitors.

Ask Questions and Discuss

There are a number of ways you can discuss this challenge and the competition in general.